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Redirects are a bit of a thorny issue...

AWeb has a bug involving redirects. If the target of the redirect has a query string, ie. it is of the form page.html?id=value, then the redirect will not cause aweb to refresh the target page. If there is no query, then AWeb works correctly.

The target of this form will set a cookie on your browser that contains whatever you enter into the identifier field. Then it will redirect you to another page, where you will see the contents of your cookie.

You can optionally add a query string to the target of the redirect by setting query = yes.

Enter something into the identifier field, choose to have a query string and click submit. You will be redirected to "redirectdest.html". The first time this should work, and you will see the value of your identifier displayed (it is passed using a cookie). Now click "back to redirct.html", change your identifier, and submit again. You should see that your identifier IS NOT updated in the destination page.

This problem persists with all redirect types presented below

Redirect Type:
Use Query:

copyright 2001 Tom Parker - last modified 26 Mar 2001